Smiling man with a beard and a mustache, wearing a dark suit and white shirt, against a green circular background.

Rauli Partanen

Government & Community Relations, Finland

Rauli Partanen is an award-winning science writer, analyst and communicator on nuclear energy and the energy sector in general. Since 2018 he has been running a non-profit think tank – Think Atom – which studies and popularises how we can use nuclear energy do decarbonise various sectors of the economy. He has also been involved in multiple energy-startups and early business development, and consulting for the nuclear industry and governments on nuclear energy development, financing, policy and regulatory frameworks.

His latest work (2024) is “The Case for Waste”, a report which explores the possibilities of commercial multinational repositories in Finland and elsewhere. Now working for DeepGEO Rauli spearheads efforts to win support for developing a multinational repository in Finland. He is reaching out to policy makers in  an attempt to overturn the country’s ban on the import of nuclear waste, and working with local communities that would potentially be interested in hosting such a facility.